'Solo for viola da gamba' - Karl Friedrich Abel


M. Marais. La Rêveuse. New live video on YouTube

M. Marais. La Rêveuse. New live video on YouTube

'Sarao de Musas' Johanna Rose - viola da gamba and artistic direction, Mariví Blasco - soprano

Lots of hard work and fun during the premiere of 'Sarao de Musas’ in the auditorio of Leon, opening concert of the ‘ciclo de músicas históricas’ of the CNDM

Link: http://www.cndm.mcu.es/node/21405

Photography: Juan Luis García


Talking to the Spanish radio RNE

Please click on the image to listen to the interview.

Histoires d'un Ange Project

New recording coming soon... Stay tuned!